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Popular wedding dates – can it affect US as we PLAN our 2023 wedding?

Hello! My name is Rosina DiBello and I am an award winning photographer with an insane passion for covering weddings! I also LOVE to educate my couples! I love guiding my clients with all their wedding day photography decisions.

When choosing your wedding date, it can get hectic because you have hundreds of brides all looking to book their weddings too. Weddings are back in the fast lane. Venues are offering weekday weddings because they are booking up so quickly.

Some couples want to get married on their “first date” anniversary or a special date for them and the day they pick might fall on a popular wedding date.

What makes these dates so sought after?

Consecutive numbers are easy to remember – they have a fun “ring” to them…

So when you see calendar combinations that are consecutive you should not delay if that is your desired date.

WEEKDAY WEDDINGS (in season)with a desired date will book up quickly just like a weekend wedding date would.

In my opinion these are the dates that are going to book up quickly!

1-1-23, 1-12-23, 1-23-23, 2-23-23, 2-13-23, 2-23-23, 3-3-23, 3-23-23,

4-3-23, 4-4-23, 4-23-23, 5-5-23, 5-23-23

6-7-23, 6-23-23, 7-7-23, 7-8-23, 7-23-23, 8-8-23, 8-23-23, 9-9-23, 9-23-23

11-11-23, 11-2-23, 11-23-23, 12-12-23, 12-23-23

Are you starting to see the pattern?

Ok so now that your armed and dangerous remember that couples are playing it safe and booking up to 1 ½ years in advance to make sure they secure their desired vendors.

On popular wedding dates I can get up to 20 inquiries for a popular date. If all the seasoned vendors are booking up quickly then couples will be in a position to book a vendor they are not completely happy with.

My team and I are here to help you! If you would like to book a consultation please fill out the Contact Form on my website! Happy planning!

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